Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A sneek peek of our online store!

I've been hard at work over the last few weeks getting our online store,, up and running. With fabulous products being added weekly, be sure to come back and browse often! With the ability to take credit cards online being the last piece of the puzzle to be completed, we are happy to take your payments by phone for now!

Happy shopping!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journeys to a Different Landscape

"Journeys to a different landscape" is an exhibit of visual expression through art therapy by refugee students. An art show reception will be held this Sunday at Cameron's ... please come and support!

Sunday May 22, 2011
Cameron's at University Mall

For more information about the program or show, please visit NCATI.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I CANcer, a photo journey

Please come to view, support, & celebrate

the photographs of a journey

as told by teen cancer survivors

from the NC Cancer Hospital

Artists' Reception
Wednesday May 18, 2011
University Mall
(Near Dillards & Cameron's)

The gallery will reamin open through Sunday May 22.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Beautiful Bed!

What a statement our new bedding from Pamela Kline makes on the custom upholstered wing-back headboard!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Perfect Gift for Mom.

While chocolates & flowers are always appreciated why not treat Mom with a creative new gift this Mother's day?

Here's a little secret, there is no need to stress, we have the perfect plan for you!

1. Stop by The Virginia Gail Collection & select the perfect set of luxurious sheets from the new shipments just received from Serena & Lily & The DownTown Company.

2. Leave the wrapping to us & our beautiful signature blue bags every Mom wants.

3. Fix her breakfast in bed and voila, the perfect day for Mom!